
                                                     GENERAL REGULATIONS


1.1 Canoe Freestyle is a white water sport where the
paddler performs a range of acrobatic tricks and
manoeuvres on a feature (artificial or natural) such as a
wave or a hole in a given time.


2.1 All International competitions shall be governed by
the rules of the ICF.
2.2 An ICF competition must be supervised by at least
one judge who holds a valid card as IJCFR.
2.3 ICF competition officials are appointed by the
Chairman of the CFRC. Nominations can be submitted
by the organisers.
2.4 The organising Federation pays for room and board
for all Representatives of the ICF, nominated by the
Chairman of the CFRC.
2.5 ICF Competitions are Senior and Junior World
Championships and World Cup. They are approved by
the ICF Board of Directors. International events are put
in the ICF Calendar by the CFRC Chairman.
2.6 There are three types of ICF competitions:
– World Championships (See Chapter IV)
– World Cup (See Chapter V)
– International events.


3.1 Only the members of associations affiliated with a
Federation of the ICF have the right to participate in an
international competition.
3.2 A competitor is always allowed to take part
individually in an international competition but must in
each case obtain special permission from his/her National Federation.
3.3 A Competitor may take part on behalf of the
Federation in a foreign country in which he/she is
domiciled, if he/she obtains the authorisation of
his/her Federation of origin. This authorisation has to
be sent before 30th November prior to the year
concerned to the ICF Headquarters with a copy to the
Chairman of the Canoe Freestyle Committee. The same
procedure applies, should the Competitor change back
his/her starting right to the Federation of origin.
3.4 If he/she has lived for 2 years or more in this
foreign country, the approval of his/her Federation of
origin is no longer required.
3.5 A competitor may not compete for more than one
Federation in any one calendar year in the sport of
3.6 The first year a competitor can compete in a Junior
competition is the year in that their 15th birthday falls
in. The last year they can compete in a Junior category
is the year that their 18th birthday falls in.

3.7 Each member federation shall ensure that their
competitors are in a good state of health and fitness
which allows them to compete at a level commensurate
with the competition level of the particular event and
ensure each competitor, team official and the member
federation carries appropriate health, accident and
property insurance covering their persons, equipment
and property.


4.1 By the 1st of August of each year, Federations must
send to both the ICF Headquarters, and the Chairman of
the CFRC, the international competitions which they
plan to hold in the following year.
Information shall include date, nation, venue and type
(A or B) of the competition.
Federations may amend such submissions up to 30th
September that year. After that deadline, it will be
considered as finalised, and should be sent to the
secretarial office of the ICF to be published.                                                                                                         By the 1st of November, the international calendar is
published in the ICF Bulletin, or by special circular.